Choose your guest list. Consider inviting your friend group, the membership of your organization, your organization’s volunteer list, and/or your social media circle.
Choose the date and time and set up a meeting.
Invite your guest list! A personal invite is always better than a broad call. A sample invitation reads, “Hey! I am hosting a film screening about a serious case of repression in Denver that I believe is very important. Anti-racist organizers were arrested, jailed, and now face extreme criminal charges for peaceful protests they held calling for justice for a local victim of police violence. I’m hosting this screening to raise awareness of this important case and how any person can support their defense effort. The documentary will be screened [Date/Time/Place]. Can you make it?”
Use the About the Case page to intoduce the film.
Following the film screening, let your guests know how they can support. Consider if there is a particular call to action best suited for the group. For example:
Donate to the Justice in Denver defense fund
Endorse the demand to Drop the Charges as an organization
Sign on as a trade union organization or trade unionist
Sign the petition
Encourage attendees to stay up to date with the case. Ask people to sign up for the email list (collect emails or distribute the link).