Statement of Solidarity | September 17, 2020 |
Communist Party of Turkey: Solidarity with Denver anti-racist organizers!
We learned that the leading PSL members of the anti-racist movement have been arrested in a police crackdown in the Denver area on September 17th. This is obviously a futile and cowardly attempt of the U.S. administration to intimidate the movement and repress the communist activists. The Trump administration is showing its worst face to the people as its last stand in the forthcoming elections while the powers that be are ultimately trying to absolve US capitalism. Under these circumstances the PSL is giving a rigorous political struggle with its activists at the forefront. We are aware that U.S. police brutality at home and U.S. imperialism around the world are inseparable. We reiterate that all anti-imperialists and anti-racists around the world should join in the final struggle for socialism as is also indicated by the PSL. We express our strong support to the anti-racist struggle in the United States, send our sincerest feelings of solidarity to our comrades in PSL who are arrested by the police and call on the U.S. administration to drop all charges and to release them immediately. Communist Party of Turkey |